Associate / project architect

Elizabeth Stinnett


Full Bio:
Elizabeth joined the WER team in 2017 as an intern architect in our Fayetteville office. She grew up in Northwest Arkansas where she cultivated an early interest in design and how people use and perceive space. She received her Bachelor of Architecture from the University of Arkansas and when not designing buildings, she enjoys experiencing and traveling the world.

During her studies, Elizabeth worked with Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art on the fabrication of a pavilion that is the entrance to Frank Lloyd Wright’s Bachman Wilson House. Through this experience, she learned metal fabrication, welding, wood construction and numerous other skills that have informed her design and understanding of architecture. After the city of Mayflower, Arkansas experienced consecutive disasters, Elizabeth had the opportunity to work on an award-winning reconstruction design and plan for recovery which is currently being implemented. Elizabeth believes the best part of design happens in the details.

Select Projects:


Don Tyson Center for Agricultural Sciences
University of Arkansas

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