WER Intern Architect Ngozi Brown Completed NCARB Requirements For Licensure


WER Architects/Planners is pleased to announce that Intern Architect Ngozi “Nome” Brown has completed all NCARB licensure requirements and is a licensed architect.

Brown is a Magna Cum Laude graduate of Tuskegee University and has her Master’s in Education from Concordia University. Her Master’s thesis dealt with evidence-based design; specifically, how the built educational environment impacts intrinsically motivated learning. Brown brings this passion for evidence-based educational design to WER, constantly seeking out practical and effective ways to apply research-supported solutions to built learning environments. Brown has a strong aesthetic eye and a thorough grasp of classical scale and proportions. As a docent for the Arkansas Arts Center, she continues to hone her craft and deepen her understanding of, and appreciation for the fine arts, a practice which meaningfully informs and sharpens her design approach.

Brown is one of only two African-American female architects in the state of Arkansas, according to the Directory of African American Architects. “Research has confirmed what architects have intuitively known for centuries; namely that the built environment has significant impacts on both the psychological and physiological health and development of those that it serves,” said Brown. “Thus, it is important for people from all demographics and backgrounds to have a hand in shaping the physical structure of our communities. I am excited to bring my unique perspective to the Arkansas design community and I hope that it will only enhance the already vibrant and constructive conversation taking place.”